It should be a known fact by now that I am in a love affair with Sweetgreen. If not, please accept this as my public declaration.

I discovered the salad/grains bowl place when they opened shop on Boylston Street in Boston while I was going to school there. It was an oasis of food that actually didn't make me feel like crap after eating it. When I moved to Los Angeles last year I can honestly say that the ONE and ONLY thing I missed about Boston was Sweetgreen. To my delight they opened a location in West Hollywood shortly after my arrival here and finally, to my even more delight, they've opened a Hollywood location and it's just a few blocks from my 9-6 job. Praise be! 

Salads aside, Sweetgreen is a company I get behind for so many reasons. One of those is a field trip I went on today with them. We hopped on a sweet fancy bus and drove an hour east to Ontario, California, for a tour of the goat farm that provides the chevre cheese for the LA Sweetgreen locations. I absorbed more knowledge about caring for goats than I can ever retain, engaged in some really good discussions about "organic" practices, tested a few samples of goat cheese, and we all pulled out our cameras like a pack of paparazzi at the sight of a one-day old goat. Goodness sakes, that thing was cute (go scroll through the Instagram hashtag at the bottom of this post for photosβ€”I was too awestruck to take any on my DSLR).

SWEETGREEN HOLLYWOOD / emaritraffie.com